SFA - Sofia France Auto
SFA stands for Sofia France Auto
Here you will find, what does SFA stand for in Automotive under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sofia France Auto? Sofia France Auto can be abbreviated as SFA What does SFA stand for? SFA stands for Sofia France Auto. What does Sofia France Auto mean?The Bulgaria based company is located in Sofia, Sofia-Capital engaged in automotive industry.
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Alternative definitions of SFA
- Sabena Flight Academy
- Sales Force Automation
- Saturated Fatty Acids
- Scientific Atlanta, Inc.
- Success For All
- Securities and Futures Authority
- School Food Authority
- Salesforce Automation
View 136 other definitions of SFA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SAPS Stillwater Area Public Schools
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- SDS Smart Data Solutions
- STC Safehaven of Tarrant County
- SFPS Strike Force Protective Services
- SAU Sylhet Agricultural University
- SC The Sun Chronicle
- SWF Sure Winner Foods
- SPS Spectrum Patient Services
- SGC Supreme Group Company
- SIDF Saudi Industrial Development Fund
- SMG Singleton Marine Group
- SGB Summit Golf Brands
- SCHNHST Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust
- SMH Surrey Memorial Hospital
- SHNF Square Habitat Nord de France
- SLCLL The St. Louis County Law Library
- SRDS Saddle River Day School
- SMWS The Scotch Malt Whisky Society
- SFBB Saudi French Bank Branch